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Trump win “signals victory for polemic over fact”

Donald Trump’s victory in the Presidential elections could indicate wider issues for communications professionals and campaigners, according to an article on The Drum Magazine website.

Speaking to The Drum, Campaign Collective Founder Member, Simon Francis, said:

Donald Trump’s victory is a disaster for progressives. But the warning signs were there. The rise in inequality around the world is creating strange political bedfellows and changing the way people vote which isn’t captured by the pollsters. In addition, Hillary’s inability to see off Bernie in the primaries should have made the Democrats take stock and change tack.

More worryingly and with wider marketing implications, Trump’s victory signals a victory for polemic over fact. This trend first came into focus during the Brexit debate and is being fuelled by reckless politicians, a compliant media and the increasing decline of social media into a self-reinforcing echo chamber, where people only hear what they want to hear.

For all the talk of strategies, brand and who had the tactical upper hand, the legacy of 2016 is a political system which values opinion over expertise. For politicians, NGOs and businesses, this throws marketing norms up in the air and will require adept handling by communications and marketing professionals in all fields.

Click here to read the full article, “How marketing and traditional simplicity won the day for Trump.”

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